Saturday 14 September 2013

Life has no reset button :)(:

There is no reset button in life.
You can't take any thing back, and you can't undo anything.
All of your actions have consequences, and the things you say and do today will have a lasting 
impact on the rest of your life. You have to understand that, you have to be aware of that while making any decisions. :)

~~Inspirational and Random Quotes~~

Don't force any one to love, Who is your will eventually be yours.. :)

Being strong is a very difficult task, But who stays strong will be the Wisest and Happiest :)

Being strong is to love someone in silent,
To radiate happiness when we are unhappy,
To forgive someone who does not deserve forgiveness,
To stay calm in moment of despair,
To show joy when we do not feel it,
To smile when you want to cry,
To make someone when our heart is broken,
To be silent when we feel like screaming our anguish,
To comfort when we need to be comforted,
And To have faith when sometimes we no longer believe,

~~Inspirational and Random Quotes~~

Your will matters the most..

Dream, what you want to dream.
Go, where you want to go.
Be, what you want to be.
Because you have only one life and
Only one chance to do all the things
You want to do.
~~Inspirational and Random Quotes~~

That is true, People often think that but do not realize what they have got in return..

I know people who feel like they have wasted years of their live because of poor and bad choices.
They spent years in a relationship that was toxic, years with an addiction, years with a job where they were not fulfilled. But you have to realize, Nothing you have been through is ever wasted.
Your past experience , good and bad have deposited something in the inside of you. Those challenges have sharpened you to make what you are today.

~~ Inspirational and Random Quotes~

Value of a word.. Use your words wisely.. :)

A careless word may kindle strife.
A cruel word may wreck a life.
A timely word may level stress.
A loving word may heal and bless..

~~Inspirational and random quotes~~

Friday 13 September 2013

Life is too short to be serious always.

Think positive, Smile , Do the things you love to do, Give lots of hug.
Play hard, Dream Big Dreams, Be Grateful , Be Hopeful.
Speak the truth, Laugh out loud , Have faith in God.
Be understanding of others. Create beauty
in the world. Figure out when to let
go and when to hold on.
Love like Crazy.

I learned ... :)

I learned the hard way that I cannot always count on others to respect my feelings.
Even, if I respect theirs.
Before a good person doesn't guarantee that the others will be good people.
You only have control over yourself and how you choose to be as a person.
As for others, you can only choose to accept them or walk away..


Some people can not stand that you are moving on with your life.
And so they will try to drag up your past to catch up with you.
Do not help them by acknowledging their behavior. Just ignore them
And keep moving on your path. If you listen to others, You will never be happy.
You will always think that wish I choose that. It's your life and you know better
than any one else what is better for you. And with which thing or person you 
are more happy. so Just KEEP MOVING FORWARD and you will be happy 4ever.

Thursday 12 September 2013

What is soulmate ??

Its like a best friend but more.
Its the one person in the world who knows you better than any one else.
Is some one who makes you a better person without changing your original personality.

No, actually they don't make you a better person. You do that by yourself because they inspire you to do so. A soul mate is some one your carry with you forever.
Its one person who knew you, accepts you and believed in you before any one else did or no one else ever would. And no matters what happens you will always love them and nothing could ever change that. :) <3

Mom, Mommy, Mummy, Maa... Whatever you call her but she will the only one in your life.

My mom has made me laugh,
Made me cry.
Wiped my tears.
Hugged me tight.
Watched me succeed,
Seen me fail,
Cheered me on.
Kept me going strong.
And drove me crazy.

Moms are a promise from God
That you will have a friend forever.
No matter what she will be your side in every situation.. :)

Anger is not good. It makes you mouth works faster than your mind and heart.

Never go to sleep angry. Because you never know if you or the person you are mad at will wake up in the next morning or not. Always forgive because you never know if you will talk to them again. Things happen. Get over it as soon as possible. Talk to them to resolve the issue. Try to forgive and if possible always forgive. You may not forget but it's better than knowing you will never get to say sorry or most Importantly " I love you again".

Life is short :)

Think positive, Smile , Do the things you love to do, Give lots of hug.
Play hard, Dream Big Dreams, Be Grateful , Be Hopeful.
Speak the truth, Laugh out loud , Have faith in God.
Be understanding of others. Create beauty
in the world. Figure out when to let
go and when to hold on.
Love like Crazy.

Your Brother.. :)

He is your first male friend in life. No one will ever understand your craziness like your brother..
Even if you don't get together, or talk as much as you'd like, he always remains your friend..
While people come and go in your life, Your brother will always be in your heart for a life time. It's "National Brother's week, " .
So re-post if you have a brother that you love with all your heart..

Wednesday 11 September 2013

Tuesday 10 September 2013

Don't :)

Don't keep running after the people who don't give a damn about you.
Sometimes you need to stop and see who is running after you .. :)

Don't Change

Don't change so people will like you..
Be yourself and the right people will
Love the Real You.. :)

True that.. :)

In the end we all discover
Who is fake,
Who is true,
And who would risk it all for you.. :)

It needs a lot of courage to say that..

It hurts to love someone and not to be loved in return.
But what is more painful is to love someone and never find the courage to let that person know how you feel..

Monday 9 September 2013

This is Sad.. :(

A sad thing in life is when you meet someone who means a lot to you.
Only to find out in the end that it was never meant to be and you just have to let go..

The Best Kind of Friend :)

The Best Kind of Friend is the kind you can sit on a Porch swing with,
Never say a word, And then walk away feeling like it was the best Conversation you have ever had.. :)